Almond Joy Truffles
Prep time: 
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Yield: 30 truffles
  • ½ cup vanilla protein powder
  • 6 tablespoons erythritol
  • 2 tablespoons coconut flour
  • almond milk
  • 1-1/4 cup shredded coconut
  • ¾ teaspoon almond extract
  • 6 squares chocolate
  • 6 tablespoons almond milk
  • ¼ cup almonds, chopped
  1. In a large bowl, combine the protein powder, erythritol, and coconut flour. Because protein powders vary so much in texture and ability to hold liquid, add in the almond milk one tablespoon at a time, mixing thoroughly between each addition and stopping when you've reached a cookie dough texture. Stir in the shredded coconut and almond extract.
  2. Using a half tablespoon measure, roll the mixture into balls and place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Stick the baking sheet in the freezer while you’re making the coating.
  3. Combine the chocolate and almond milk in a medium microwave safe bowl. Microwave for one minute and stir. Continue microwaving in 15 second intervals, stirring in between, until the chocolate is completely melted and the mixture is thick.
  4. Fetch the baking sheet from the freezer and carefully dip each of the balls in the mixture so there is an even coating of chocolate around the outside. Place the coated balls on the baking sheet and top with the chopped almonds. Return the baking sheet to the freezer. Leave them in the freezer for a few hours until completely hardened, then transfer them to a zip lock bag and keep them in the freezer for long term storage. Devour.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 truffle Calories: 27 Net Carbs: 1 gram Protein: 2 grams
Recipe by Foodie Fiasco at