Healthy Almond Butter Fudge
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Yield: 32 pieces
  • ½ cup almond butter
  • 1 cup protein powder
  • 6 tablespoons erythritol
  • ½ teaspoon almond extract
  • almond milk
  • ¼ cup coconut flour
  1. Line a 9x5 inch loaf pan with parchment paper and set aside.
  2. In a food processor, combine almond butter, protein powder, erythritol, and almond extract and process until completely combined and crumbly. Because protein powders vary so much in texture and ability to hold liquid, add in almond milk one tablespoon at a time, processing thoroughly between each addition and stopping once there is enough liquid so that all the dry ingredients are incorporated.
  3. Add in coconut flour and process. Again, add almond milk in one tablespoon at a time and stop once the dough forms a ball. Press the dough into the prepared loaf pan. Cut into 32 pieces (using a pizza cutter for clean cuts) and devour.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 1 piece Calories: 34 Net Carbs: 1 gram Protein: 4 grams
Recipe by Foodie Fiasco at